LOX & Sustainability

Little things can make a big difference - we know that better than most, given how our little wonders keep your earrings safe and secure.

But perhaps more important is ‘less is more’ - less packaging, less plastic and less transport emissions. The pot your LOX arrive in, is one to be kept and reused, and the packaging (even the shiny bits) is designed to be recycled as it’s printed useing vegetable-based inks and aqueous lamination.


But there’s always more we can be doing….

By manufacturing LOX in the UK, we ensure that we are in control of every step of the process and do our very best to minimise our impact. Even our shipping is chosen to be Royal Mail to tie in with existing infrastructure to minimise CO2 emissions.

But, it doesn’t stop there and we are constantly reviewing our manufacturing, storage and shipping arrangements to help minimise our impact. So - if there are any ideas you have, please share them with us.